Event Details

Moderator: Dr Lervasen Pillay

Sponsor: Leosteph Healthcare โ€“ Sensifemme

Other platforms: Department of Health Knowledge Hub online platform, WiSH, SASMA, BASA

Supporting organisations: SASMA, BASA, Wits Physiotherapy, ESSM Wits, WiSH, MTCA, Sports Medicine UP

1. How exercise has changed my challenge mentally and physically

Speaker: Nicole Fuller (Cancer Survivor and Navigator)

2. The Maple Tree Cancer Alliance Approach

Speaker: Dr Karen Wonders

3. Why is there a need for exercise prescription in the oncology patient?

Speaker: Dr Lervasen Pillay

4. Doctor to patient: The Patient's voice

Speaker: Dr Mamosilo Lichaba

5. Implementation of Exercise Prescription in oncology

Speaker: Wendy Vermaak

6. What we eat is what we get? Don't forget nutrition!

Speaker: Mrs Faranak Amini (Nutritionist)

7. The national working group initiative relating to exercise and rehabilitation in the oncology patient

Speaker : Dr Sonti Pilusa


  • Nicole Fuller (Cancer Navigator and survivor)

    Nicole Fuller

    Cancer Navigator and survivor

  • Karen Wonders (Exercise Physiologist)

    Karen Wonders

    Exercise Physiologist

  • Lervasen Pillay (Sport & Exercise Medicine Physician)

    Lervasen Pillay

    Sport & Exercise Medicine Physician

  • Mamosilo Lichaba (Sports and Exercise Medicine Physician)

    Mamosilo Lichaba

    Sports and Exercise Medicine Physician

  • Wendy Vermaak (Biokineticist)

    Wendy Vermaak


  • Faranak Amini (Nutrition Practitioner)

    Faranak Amini

    Nutrition Practitioner

  • Sonti Pilusa (Physiotherapist)

    Sonti Pilusa
